Friday, June 6, 2008


All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. ~Anatole France

A "Change Expert" (yes, people actually have titles like these in the business world) told me once, "People only have so much change they can handle at one time. Some people have more, some less. Eventually, everyone kind of pauses and says, yea, that's enough for now."

I never really thought much about it as changes – big changes – seemed a part of my life. In fact, if I was not going through some sort of deep, life changing event, I was waiting for the next to occur.
Well, the next has occurred. Citizen Prime has moved to Utah.
See, I talk so much about living a life full of heroic essence and finding the joy in life, yet I found myself slowly pulled into a life of struggle and obsessive goals and objectives; ignoring, for a time, the best route to my message for myself and my family. And as I live each day for my wife and son, as well as myself, I find their happiness is critical. And they're happiness – and mine, I discover each day – resides best in Utah.

Does this somehow affect the existence of Citizen Prime? Yes and no. I am always growing, I hope. And, at the same time, I hold firm to the values that I feel make this country and this world great. In fact, I'm rather proud of the fact that I am constantly searching for ways to make Citizen Prime relevant in our culture and send a message that people can become the hero in their own story and lead fulfilling, exciting lives.

Yet, along the way, there have been so many ruts to fall into. It's almost as if (and maybe it is) I am being tested. Not that I am in the same ballpark as he, but a story comes to mind of Buddha as he was tempted by a series of worldly traps. He passed by each one successfully only to become more enlightened. In my own small way, I hope I am on a path that carries the same message. To evolve is to grow. I saw another quote that reminded me of this.

It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. ~W. Edwards Deming

So why Utah? Well, both my wife and I are from Utah. We have a great deal of family and many friends in Utah. And whether I'm Citizen Prime or not, my family always comes first – although I need reminding of that sometimes. As for Prime and The League of Citizen Heroes, there is much to do to establish a presence here in Utah. It's a great time to apply some of the lessons I've learned over the last three years. I'm looking forward to the challenge of starting anew.

And we're coming out swinging. A few people might remember the BlogTalkRadio show I hosted called, Are You Primed?. Well, we're producing new episodes and they'll be as informative and interesting as ever. I'll be producing a weekly vlog, as well, sharing thoughts and lessons on how to live a heroic life. I got this idea as people were contacting me wanting to do more with there lives. People have always had challenges with perception and reality when it comes to what I do and what I stand for, so I thought I would discuss how I reconcile that desire to do good and keep my feet firmly planted in reality – a lofty goal indeed and I don't always succeed!

And finally, I'm continuing this blog. My wonderful wife had an idea as we moved to Utah that, with the new reset of my mission here, to bring the hero out in everyone, she would start a blog chronicling our life going forward. I was so inspired by her idea that I committed to keep a blog myself. You can find her blog at

There is much to do! And I dare say not just for myself. People contact me all the time asking how they can do Good in the world. I have some ideas but usually my advice is just refining things they already know and helping them rediscover the hero that society has buried underneath years of criticism, fear and scorn. So, as you read this blog, I challenge you, break out! Be the hero you were meant to be. Turn away from the things that you know are wrong and never look back. Yes, change is necessary. Sometimes, hard change and life balance through it all.

In my life, for example, in the last year, my wife and I had a baby, we got robbed, we moved states, I changed jobs, we lost three dear canine companions, I lost the Prime Armor in an airport (briefly), had an honorary patrol with both The Black Monday Society and Geist, and continued to build both The League of Citizen heroes, my "alter ego" career and, most importantly, keep my family safe, happy and whole. And that's nothing compared to what other people have had to endure; people who have contacted me and shared their stories of good and bad. And you know what's most amazing about those people. They don't give up or give in. Those people still keep on looking to do Good and find Good in the world. I know, from all this, that people can handle much change.

As to that Change Expert's advice. She may be right, but I know our limits are so far beyond what we think they are. It's about staying in the groove, and moving forward.

Until next time, stay strong and stay heroes.